MeterSYS provides project feasibility and financial analysis, AMI procurement including specification development and solutions evaluation, and AMI and smart city implementation project management for utility clients of all sizes. We also specialize in third-party AMI network and system management through our advanced metering Design, Build, Finance, Operate, and Maintain (DBFOM) Metering as a Service Program.

Our company was founded on the clear need for public utilities to have an experienced and trained AMI advocate for each aspect of smart metering assessment and implementation.


  • Represent the interests of utilities among manufacturers and distributors to ensure you solution is the right solution for your utility goals.
  • Value transparency in our actions and believe that through positive disruption of the smart metering market, we can shift more value and sustainable benefit of AMI investments to our clients.
  • Serve as a resource and advocate for utilities and help our clients improve operations, enhance revenues, and provide greater service for their customers.

Our company is based in Raleigh, North Carolina, home of the Research Triangle Park which is regarded as one of the most innovative technology centers in the world.

Company Mission

Improve the adoption experience among public water and electric utilities migrating to AMI through education, analysis and effective technology implementation.

Company Goal

Promote “right fit” technology adoption to help public water and electric utilities select the solution that best meets the technological, operational, and conservation needs of the utility and its customers.